Embracing Smart Risks - Casey Cheshire - The Entrepreneur Gene - Ep # 21

What kinds of risks are the ones worth taking when it comes to entrepreneurship? According to Casey Cheshire, the Founder of Ringmaster Conversational Marketing and the host of The Hard Corps Marketing Show, smart risks are the key to success. Casey shares insights on the importance of risk tolerance, learning from failures, and the need for smart risk-taking in business. They also explore the future of marketing with the advent of AI and the significance of maintaining human connections in an increasingly automated world. Casey's military background, personal entrepreneurial journey, and passion for authentic marketing strategies provide a rich and engaging discussion on what it truly means to be an entrepreneur.

  • Focus on creating meaningful relationships through various mediums to foster long-term success.
  • View entrepreneurship as a muscle that can be developed with practice and effort. Engage in activities that build skills necessary for entrepreneurship, such as problem-solving and risk management.
  • Take calculated, smart risks rather than reckless ones.
  • Although challenging, niching down can lead to better targeting and business efficiency. Test narrow focuses to see if they drive better results without betting the farm.

Quote of the Show:
  • “ The flip of this one-to-one communication or just a one-to-few communication is going to become priceless. It's all about connection.” - Casey Cheshire

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Embracing Smart Risks - Casey Cheshire - The Entrepreneur Gene - Ep # 21
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